By being a counselor you will undertake upon yourself a tremendous responsibility. You are there to ensure the well being of your campers both beGashmius and beRuchnius.
Taking care of their physical well being involves making sure they are happy and having a good time in a safe environment. This is achieved by being in the right places at the right times with an upbeat and positive attitude. You have the opportunity to make a difference in your camper’s lives, be it a smile, a pat on the back, lending your ear in time of need, or wiping a tear off a cheek. It is the small things that really count. It is at night, snack time, rest hour, free time and Shabbossim that you really have a chance to establish a personal relationship with each girl.
Ensuring their spiritual well being is best accomplished by being a Dugmah Chaya, a true Chassidishe role model. It is your duty and privilege to instill a love for the Rebbe and Lubavitch in your campers. Your campers think the world of you; they are looking at you and learning from you every minute of every day. They will watch the way you Daven, learn, speak, and act throughout the summer. This makes your Shlichus in camp a very important one.
Once accepted as a counselor a detailed handbook will be sent to you.
Extra jobs that are joined with a counselor position